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Search keyword(s): ' Chuck Hagel'
Can America Deal with the 21st Century? Chuck Hagel
Category: National Affairs Published: March 2006
"Strong and imaginative leadership, coherent policies, and responsible politics and government will sustain our great nation."
Defining America's Role on the Global Stage Chuck Hagel
Category: American Thought Published: May 2003
"The U.S.'s purpose in the world requires a commitment to a kind of principles realism that promotes America's values, strengthens international institutions, builds coalitions, and recognizes what is possible."
Fighting Fire with Diplomacy Chuck Hagel
Category: USA Looks at the World Published: May 2007
For the 21st century, the U.S.-Iran relationship will frame the structure & dynamics of the Middle East. We must be sure of our actions & wise with our words. Prospects for peace that have eluded the Mid East for so long may be on edge of convergence…
Is It Up to the U.S. to Fix the Middle East? Chuck Hagel
Category: National Affairs Published: September 2006
"Military action alone will not destroy Hezbollah or Hamas. . . . The pursuit of tactical military triumphs at the expense of the core strategic objective of Arab-Israeli peace is a hollow victory."
Memo to the Candidates Chuck Hagel
Category: National Affairs Published: September 2008
"John McCain and Barack Obama are meeting at a time of historic confluence. They forever will be linked together. The next two months will define how they are remembered."
NATO Expands Its Boundaries Chuck Hagel
Category: Worldview Published: March 2004
"Five specific areas where [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] can play a greater role in bringing security and stability to the Middle East are Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Mediterranean, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Relating to Iran . . . And the World Chuck Hagel
Category: American Thought Published: January 2008
"Rather than acting like a nation riddled with the insecurities of a schoolyard bully, we ought to carry ourselves with the confidence that should come from the dignity of our heritage, experience of our history, and strength of our humanity. . . ."
Saving Social Security Chuck Hagel
Category: National Affairs Published: May 2005
"This is a defining debate for today's leaders. Doing nothing is irresponsible and cowardly. It is in every American's interest to deal with this challenge."
Setting a New Course on Climate Change Chuck Hagel
Category: Ecology Published: July 2005
What is needed is comprehensive climate change legislation that authorizes new programs, policies incentives to address the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions focusing on the role of technology, private & public partnerships and developing countries.
Straightening Out U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East Chuck Hagel
Category: Worldview Published: January 2006
"In this new era of possibilities and responsibilities, the U.S. will require a wider lens view of how the global community sees us, so that we can better understand the world and our role in it."
The U.S. Must Step Up--Now! Chuck Hagel
Category: National Affairs Published: September 2005
". . . In the widening circle of global freedom, the U.S. must commit to taking the long view of its role in the world. That will require strong and imaginative leadership, coherent policies, and responsible politics and government."
Why Democracy Matters Chuck Hagel
Category: American Thought Published: January 2009
"Americans possess a generous spirit and uncommon decency predicated on faith and family, hard work, fair play, and belief in a better tomorrows. That is, and will remain, the unshakable strength of our nation and democracy."