Search keyword(s): '
James W. Thomson'
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Political Landscape |
Published: |
July 2012 |
If Bill Clinton were to update his sly slogan for the 2012 election, it would sound something like, "It's the race card this time, stupid." |
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USA Looks at the World |
Published: |
September 2008 |
For the emerging stay-at-home movement, globalization has become a pejorative term symbolizing the flawed excess of American capitalism. |
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Economics |
Published: |
March 2011 |
". . . The depiction of the U.S.'s expected fall from grace has become 'the preferred intellectual preoccupation of the elite--left, right, and center.' " |
Category: |
Political Landscape |
Published: |
November 2011 |
"As [Pres. Barack] Obama himself has stated, elections have consequences--and the votes cast one year from now very well could be for the highest stakes, sans the Civil War, in U.S. history." |
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Medicine & Health |
Published: |
May 2016 |
"…Non-Hispanic white Americans aged 45-54 [have] experienced an unexpected, and highly significant, increase in mortality…" |
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Economics |
Published: |
May 2011 |
"The anti-business and -economic growth opinions held by the current Administration are mirrored by punitive business tax rates and stringent environmental regulations, spurring many firms to transfer their operations to other countries. . . ." |
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Business & Finance |
Published: |
November 2009 |
Has public confidence in the effectiveness of free markets been lost forever and will this result in an American economy bound by the chains of government regulation? |
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Life in America |
Published: |
January 2010 |
"The unassailable priveleges of the white races have been thrown away, squandered, betrayed. . . . The exploited world is beginning to take its revenge on its lords." |
Category: |
Political Landscape |
Published: |
September 2009 |
". . . By nominating Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, [Pres. Barack] Obama committed the cardinal sin of identity politics: attempting to elevate people more for their gender and race rather than for individual merit or achievement." |
Category: |
Economics |
Published: |
November 2010 |
". . . 'The government has been hijacked by the economic elite' and . . . their spokesmen, lobbysits, and campaign contributors have an important voice in every decision while ordinary people have none." |
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Economics |
Published: |
March 2012 |
"In terms of income inequality, the U.S. now lags behind most of Western Europe, while the nations that are closest to the U.S. are Russia (run by its oligarchs) and Iran (with its mullahs)." |
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Economics |
Published: |
January 2011 |
"There is a substantial chance that the U.S. economy is headed into a lost decade, similar to what Japan has experienced in the last 15 years. . . ." |
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Law & Justice |
Published: |
January 2009 |
". . . The mood of the American public has darkened and become much less accepting of mass immigration." |
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Economics |
Published: |
May 2015 |
Theories from the Great Depression still haunt the nation as the economy continues to struggle to shake off the shackles of the Great Recession. |
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Economics |
Published: |
July 2011 |
Under the Obama Administration, "income redsitribution and environmentalism [have taken] precedence over the materialistic needs of business and commerce." |
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Business & Finance |
Published: |
March 2010 |
"Time will tell if our nation is to become a European wannabe replete with a welfare-state mentality . . . or reverts to historic form to reclaim the beliefs of Adam Smith. . . ." |
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The World Today |
Published: |
July 2009 |
The implication is that the declining white populations of the Western nations will be replaced by mostly nonwhite immigrants and their descendents in a drawn-out scenario reminiscent of the disappearance of the Neanderthals from Europe 30,000 years ago. |
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The World Today |
Published: |
November 2007 |
"Mass immigration is likely to continue unchecked with scant regard for the welfare of the average American citizen, as its impetus is founded on business' quest for cheap labor and anticipated political gains by the major parties. . . ." |