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Search keyword(s): ' John L. Scherer'
America on the Defensive John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: July 2005
"[U.S.] power was achieved at tremendous cost and sacrifice, frequently without good cause or lasting effect. . . . Episodic crusades have undermined America's international standing and power, and now divert its promise and national purpose."
Awaiting Armageddon: Is the Paranoia Justified? John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: January 2004
"No one can say that major incidents never again will occur in the U.S., but successful attacks are much more difficult than people realize."
Debt & Deficit John L. Scherer
Category: National Affairs Published: May 2008
"Americans must decide, by reasoning from evidence and studying history, what is affordable and attainable rather than what appears most desirable--and make their wishes clear at the voting booth."
Has Al Qaeda Been Beaten? John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: September 2009
The terrorist organization has "experienced significant defections, lost key mobilization areas, suffered disruption of support infrastructure and funding, and [been] forced to change targeting priorities."
Is Terrorism's Threat Overblown? John L. Scherer
Category: National Affairs Published: January 2003
"Americans must remain vigilant, of course, but there is no need to raid the Treasury or turn the country upside down pursuing phantoms."
Locating Bin Laden John L. Scherer
Category: National Security Published: January 2011
"It is time to find--and fix--America's mortal enemy."
The U.S.'s Befuddled Approach to the War on Terrorism John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: November 2004
The Capitol was evacuated and an F-16 jet fighter was deployed to gun down a stray plane that had wandered into restricted air space over Washington, D.C. It turns out the aircraft was carrying the governor of Kentucky. By John L. Scherer
There Will Be No Farewell to Arms John L. Scherer
Category: International Affairs Published: May 2006
Vigorous opposition to unnecessary intervention in "crises" around the world has fallen on deaf ears, as each Administration since WWII has managed to blunder US foreign policy at the needless expense of American lives and the country's reputation abroad.