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Search keyword(s): ' Larry P. Arnn'
Can Republicans Ride the Wave? Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: March 2015
There was a wave in favor of the Republicans in 1980 and in 1994. There was a wave in favor of the Democrats in 2006 and in 2008…Now there is a Republican wave launched by the 2014 midterm elections.
Creeping Doubts About Government Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: May 2020
". . . It is quite disturbing to witness the eagerness among some governors to outdo one another by announcing shutdowns that extend beyond where anyone claims to know that shutdowns will be necessary."
Learning, Character, Faith, and Freedom Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: January 2020
"We obscure the fact these days that the Americans who founded our country were mostly Christians, and they were devoted to both civil and religious liberty with the same intensity that they held their faith."
Long Live the Nation-State Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: January 2019
"…Nationalism is both stubborn and, rightly conceived, necessary to many things, including the prevention of war…On this point, Trump and Churchill are agreed, and Macron is wrong."
Orwell's Warning Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: January 2021
"We can see today the totalitarian impulse among powerful forces in our politics and culture; in the rise and imposition of doublethink; and in the emboldened attempts to rewrite our history."
Saving the Ownership Society Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: July 2006
"Our Founders practices the art of constitutional government, under which government is limited and people have the right to provide for themselves. If we lose that, we will find ourselves in a condition of poverty too deep to measure in monetary terms."
Searching for a Way Out Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: January 2022
"To establish despotism in a country like ours, you might begin by building a bureaucracy of great complexity that commands a large percentage of the resources of the nation."
We Must Return to the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: March 2010
The economic policies proposed today represent a return to the idea that the Amer Revolution repudiated--that some will manage the lives of others w/o their consent. This Admin wants to control private enterprise through regulations overseen by czars…
Working Toward Recovery Larry P. Arnn
Category: American Thought Published: May 2009
Either we shall have limited govt, in which a few vital things are tended to with a careful eye and strong, but limited, powers, or else we shall attempt to allocate the labor and capital of the nation by force of law. This second will make a disaster.…