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Search keyword(s): ' Worldview'
(War) Game On Brian T. Kennedy
Category: Worldview Published: January 2021
". . . There is growing evidence that . . . Some of the funding for BLM and Antifa is coming from [Chinese Communist Party]-sponsored or affiliate groups. . . ."
A Hollow Alliance Ted Galen Carpenter
Category: Worldview Published: November 2009
NATO once was a serious and capable military association with an important purpose. That no longer is the case, and there is little prospect that the process of decay can be reversed.
A Look Inside the Iranian Sponsored Terrorism Machine Claude Miniquet
Category: Worldview Published: November 2007
"The Iranian mullahs consider intelligence and terrorism as very serious matters, and they handle it at the highest possible level.... Hezbollah never conducts a terrorist operation abroad without the clear authorization (if not direct order) of Tehran."
A School for Girls Llewellyn D. Howell
Category: Worldview Published: January 2012
"The U.S. took the Taliban out of government, but failed to remove its members from society. Now, America has to face the challenge of stopping the Taliban from turning the clock back on women."
Afghanistan Still Needs Saving Gordon Brown
Category: Worldview Published: January 2008
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom promises that his nation will hold fast in its support of a new Afghanistan. However, beyond Uncle Sam, who is willing to lend the beleaguered British a hand?
Afghans Fleeing War Find Misery in Urban Slums
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2012
America and Britain Should Join Forces to End Poverty Hilary Benn
Category: Worldview Published: November 2006
Both nations "believe that peace and security are the foundations of any progress . . . that creating the right climate for economic growth . . . is the best way . . . to raise the finances needed to defeat poverty."
America on the Defensive John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: July 2005
"[U.S.] power was achieved at tremendous cost and sacrifice, frequently without good cause or lasting effect. . . . Episodic crusades have undermined America's international standing and power, and now divert its promise and national purpose."
America's Battleground Carolyn M. Fischer
Category: Worldview Published: January 2021
The term "strategic narcissism" best describes our nation's tendency to "define the world only in relation to [its] own aspirations and desires."
Awaiting Armageddon: Is the Paranoia Justified? John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: January 2004
"No one can say that major incidents never again will occur in the U.S., but successful attacks are much more difficult than people realize."
Back on Top Jonathan W. Emord
Category: Worldview Published: July 2017
"Trump has reestablished that the US will no longer pursue an apology tour, nor…retreat from the defense of its vital national interests. The contrast with the Obama Administration's constant flogging of the American ideal…could not be more profund"
Befriending Saudi Princes: A High Price for a Dubious Alliance Doug Bandow
Category: Worldview Published: July 2002
"The American commitment to the Saudi royal family is a moral blemish and a practical danger. It has already drawn the U.S. into one conventional war and has helped make Americans the tragets of terrorism. . . ."
Brexit's Red Tape Challenge Christopher Hopkins
Category: Worldview Published: September 2016
"…It seems highly doubtful that the UK will want--or be able--to adopt a significantly different approach [to economic crime, export sanctions and controls, health and safety, or the environment] at least for the forseeable future."
Brides of ISIS Anne Speckhard
Category: Worldview Published: September 2015
"What started as small drips from many places has increased to a steady stream of young women disappreaing from their homes and and families to show up later as terrorist cadres."
Can America Pull Off a Triple Play? Ann M. Veneman
Category: Worldview Published: May 2004
Is it possible for the beleaguered nations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan to become beacons of success with the help of U.S. foreign intervention?
Can Globalization Survive the Export of Hazard? Hilary French
Category: Worldview Published: May 2001
"A few decades ago, developing nations often argued that pollution was the price of progress. The last several years, however, have brought an environmental awakening to most corners of the globe."
Can Iran's Nuclear Activities Be Thwarted? David Cortright
Category: Worldview Published: May 2006
"Preventing nuclear war arguably is the most important arena in which universal compliance is needed. This standard must apply not only to Iran, but to the U.S. and other nations."
Can Scholars Influence Foreign Policymaking?
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2003
Can the UN Battle Terrorism Effectively? David Cortright
Category: Worldview Published: January 2005
Security Council resolutions have "mobilized states for a campaign of nonmilitary cooperative law enforcement measures to combat global terrorism."
Can We Count on Missile Defense? Craig Eisendrath , Gerald E. Marsh , Melvin A. Goodman
Category: Worldview Published: September 2001
"Although the threat to the U.S. should not be ignored, it does not justify the rush to deployment of national missile defense systems."
Canada's Economic Folly Mark Steyn
Category: Worldview Published: March 2011
"In that most basic sense, American progressives who look to Canada are wrong. Not only is Canada's path not a model for the U.S., it is not a viable model for Canada."
Celebrating the Life of a Princess
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2009
Chemical Weapons Conundrum Jane M. Orient
Category: Worldview Published: July 2017
"Some babies have dies horribly. How many will die, ostensibly, to avenge them?"
China Increasing Its Military Might
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2004
China Is After More than Chump Change Roger W. Robinson Jr.
Category: Worldview Published: January 2020
"The Chinese are waging economical and financial warfare against us every day. We are in a position to prevail. The problem is that we have not seriously taken the field. In terms of our capital mistakes, we are not even at the stadium."
Chipping Away the Invisible Wall Across Cyprus Jan Knippers Black
Category: Worldview Published: January 2001
". . . Guardians of ethnic interest may find it harder as time goes by to maintain militancy among their constituents."
COIN of the Realm Andrew Lubin
Category: Worldview Published: September 2010
"A successful strategy in Afghanistan must be based on recognizing the military, economic, and tribal situation on the ground, instead of hoping to refight Desert Storm's 72-hour ground war."
Competing Visions of the Global Future Charles W. Kegley Jr. , Gregory A. Raymond
Category: Worldview Published: November 2021
". . . Thinking about different configurations of power can help frame sharper questions about national purposes and priorities. . . . "
Coping with COVID-19 in Rural Mexico
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2021
Cuba's Lessons in Economic Hardship
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2009
Cyber Cold War Looming for U.S.
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2010
Democracy's Stunted Growth in Fallow Fields Llewellyn D. Howell
Category: Worldview Published: November 2014
". . . The seeds of democracy need soil and water--not just intent--to grow."
Desert Diplomacy: No End in Sight to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Gerald E. Marsh
Category: Worldview Published: July 2006
"A full acceptance by the Israelis and Palestinians of the legitimate presence of the other and their right to exist in peace is a precondition that is unlikely to be accepted by either party any time soon."
Diamonds (and Greed) Are Forever Janine Roberts
Category: Worldview Published: March 2004
"Documents reveal highly secretive price-fixing operations that run rings around the Justice Department, Congress, and the White House. [The gems are moved] along clandestine routes used by drug barons and arms merchants."
Disaster Displacement Ravaging the Globe
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2016
Do Iraq, Iran, and North Korea Truly Constitute an Axis of Evil? Jack Spenser
Category: Worldview Published: May 2002
The sharing of weapons of mass destruction, endorsements of tyranny, long history of terror, promises of mutual support--all should be enough to establish clearly that these regimes plan to rely on their links w/ each other to carry out their evil designs
Down Mexico Way Judith Fein
Category: Worldview Published: March 2021
Prisons most often are like the dark nights of the soul--rife with pain, hurt, rage, humiliation, isolation, revenge, and desperation--but rays of enlightenment shone on a medium-security prison in Chetumal, where hope for healing and rehabilitation lies.
Economic Stability Tied to Vitamins
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2005
Electric Cars Rate with Chinese, not Americans
News View Category: Worldview Published: August 2015
Escaping the Trap Ted Galen Carpenter
Category: Worldview Published: May 2007
". . . U.S. policymakers need to absorb the larger lesson of the Iraqi debacle. Launching an elective war in pursuit of a nation-building chimera was an act of folly. It is a folly they should vow never to repeat in any other country."
Fearing Western War's Lethal Twist Victor Davis Hanson
Category: Worldview Published: March 2010
". . . We who created the Western way of war are very reluctant to resort to it due to post-modern cynicism, while those who did not create it are very eager to apply it due to pre-modern zealotry--and that is a very lethal combination."
From Rocking the Cradle to Rocking the World Farhana Qazi
Category: Worldview Published: November 2018
By joining violent extremism, females are committing selfish, senseless and sorrowful acts. Oddly, the ultimate goal for pious, practicing Muslims is the same as for Muslim extremists, only the latter use violence in hopes of securing a place in Paradise.
From Russia Without Love R. James Woolsey , Ion Mihai Pcepa
Category: Worldview Published: May 2021
"[The former Soviet Union] has become the first intelligence dictatorship in history - and few people know what that really means."
Gazing into the Chinese/WTO Crystal Ball Alfredo Carrillo Obregon
Category: Worldview Published: January 2022
". . . China's trade and economic policies are--and will remain--intertwined with concerns about geopolitics, human rights, and illiberalism."
Genocide: Stories of Survivors and the Dead Raffy Boudjikinian
Category: Worldview Published: September 2018
"The Interahamwe clubbed Consolée, Angélique, Florence, Illuminée, and Jeanne, then threw them all, still alive, into a nearby septic tank. 'They were screaming; they were calling us,' says [their sister] Rosette . . . Until she heard them no more."
Georgia on Our (Troubled) Mind Harold E. Rogers Jr
Category: Worldview Published: May 2009
". . . With so much oil, gas, and money at stake in a world reeling from a deep global recession, the tensions between Russia and Georgia easily could escalate into a more serious conflict that would have universal consequences."
Going to the Source John E. O'Neill
Category: Worldview Published: May 2022
"[COVID-19] was a bullet that was meant to be fired [by China], but likely was fired by mistake sooner than intended, at the wrong place, and in the wrong way."
Has Al Qaeda Been Beaten? John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: September 2009
The terrorist organization has "experienced significant defections, lost key mobilization areas, suffered disruption of support infrastructure and funding, and [been] forced to change targeting priorities."
Heal Thyself Sylvanus A. Aveni
Category: Worldview Published: July 2018
Change in Sub-Saharan Africa must come from within.
How to--not What to--Think About Putin Christopher Caldwell
Category: Worldview Published: July 2017
"[Russia's President] has yet to become a symbol of national sovereignty in its battle with globalism. That turns out to be the big battle of our times. As our last election shows, that is true even here."
Human Rights Abuses Continue in Iraq
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2013
Indecisiveness at the Top Jonathan W. Emord
Category: Worldview Published: November 2014
The President dithers while the world burns.
India Celebrates Its Enduring Democracy
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2008
Invasion of Ukraine Connects to 19th-Century Russian Imperialism
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2022
Iran Can--and Must--Be Stopped Victor Davis Hanson
Category: Worldview Published: September 2007
". . . The U.S. has at least six reasons for singling out Iran to halt its nuclear developent program--and it is past time that we spell them out to the world at large."
Iran Flexes Its Nuclear Muscle Ben Brunson
Category: Worldview Published: January 2014
"The irony of all this is that Iran's history and culture align its people more with the West than any Muslim nation other than Turkey."
Iraq: Should We Stay or Should We Go? Ebrahim Moosa
Category: Worldview Published: January 2004
It may be time for the U.S. to cut its losses in the Middle East by accelerating the process of American troop withdrawal to coincide with the takeover by a sovereign interim Iraqi government.
Is There Any Such Thing as a Good War? Michael J. Strada
Category: Worldview Published: March 2001
Americanadians--Vietnam War draft resisters who fled to Canada--speak out on the Persian Gulf and Kosovo conflicts.
ISIL's Outward Expression of Internal Conflict Cathal O'Briain
Category: Worldview Published: January 2015
"The animal has awoken and only we have the power to tame it."
Land "Grabbing" U.S. Buying Up Large Tracts
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2015
Learning the Lessons of Mandela Sherine Vie
Category: Worldview Published: January 2014
Nelson Mandela, like Mahatma Gandhi, has left us a legacy that "we should empower the hunger and the weak so that they can learn to feed and strengthen themselves and contribute to the well being of others."
Learning the Right Lessons from Iraq Benjamin H. Friedman , Harvey M. Sapolsky , Christopher Preble
Category: Worldview Published: May 2008
"The best way to promote American security is restraint--a wise and masterly inactivity in the face of most foreign disorder. The U.S. should resurrect the notion that the best way to spread democracy is to model it."
Let's Put the Relations in Foreign Relations Dolores T. Puterbaugh
Category: Worldview Published: March 2011
"All of this high-falutin' talk about the family of nations is silly academic claptrap unless we really see the familial in the nations: the kids, the teens, the abusive and the abused, the sociopaths and the decadent."
Look at All We Have Lost Mark Steyn
Category: Worldview Published: July 2021
". . . The U.S., and the West in general, have become almost unrecognizable from what they were not that long ago."
Madman on the Loose Carolyn Fischer
Category: Worldview Published: November 2020
"Pres. Donald Trump's often incomprehensible foreign policy . . . has changed the country and the world."
Mayhem in the Middle East Christina Pazzanese
Category: Worldview Published: September 2015
"…You would have to go back to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I; the creation of the modern Middle East;the introduction of the League of Nations' mandates for Palestine; to find another time that was so turbulent."
Middle East Peace Plan Looks to Be a Road Map to Nowhere Aaron Hoffman
Category: Worldview Published: September 2003
"As long as Israelis and Palestinians fear that cooperating with one another places their physical survival, political independence, and/or tenure in office at risk," the peace process cannot produce its desired result.
Millions on the Move Llewellyn D. Howell
Category: Worldview Published: November 2015
"It commonly is suggested that the only solution is to stop the [migrant] movement at its source, but you cannot make Iraq or Syria into America."
Minding the Middle East Elliot Peppers
Category: Worldview Published: July 2017
A former CIA agent, who was once charged with plotting to assassinate Saddam Hussein, shares narratives of his 40-year career as an intelligence and security specialist.
Move the UN to Jerusalem Llewellyn D. Howell
Category: Worldview Published: May 2005
"Situated in New York, the United Nations resides in the heart of the West, detached on a day-to-day basis from the troubles of the real world."
NAFTA at 10: An Economic and Foreign Policy Success Daniel T. Griswold
Category: Worldview Published: May 2003
"With a decade of hindsight, it is diffucult to find any evidence of a 'giant sucking sound' of jobs, investment, and manufacturing capacity heading south [to Mexico]."
NATO Expands Its Boundaries Chuck Hagel
Category: Worldview Published: March 2004
"Five specific areas where [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization] can play a greater role in bringing security and stability to the Middle East are Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Mediterranean, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Obama Believes the U.S. Is (Ho-Hum) Just Another Country John Bolton
Category: Worldview Published: January 2010
"The Administration is pursuing a policy that accurately can be described as neoisolationist--a policy characterized by an unwillingness to be assertive in the world in defense of the U.S.'s interests and those of our friends and allies."
Oil and Blood: Saudi Arabia and Iraq Gerald E. Marsh
Category: Worldview Published: March 2006
"Saudi Arabia is the key to containing the terrorist menace, assuring stability in the Gulf, and keeping the oil flowing at a reasonable price."
Open Markets Promote Democracy
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2004
Our Planet's Languages Are Dying Payal Sampat
Category: Worldview Published: March 2002
"At the current rate of decline, experts estimate that, by the end of this century, at least one half of the world's languages will have disappeared. . . ."
Pakistan: Strategic Ally or Unreliable Client? Leon T. Hadar
Category: Worldview Published: January 2003
". . . With its dictatorship, a failed economy, and an insecure nuclear arsenal, [Pakistan] is at best a reluctant supporter of American goals and at worst a potential long-term adversary."
Poking the Hornets' Nest Is Ill-Advised Ivan Eland
Category: Worldview Published: May 2002
"If the Bush Administration begins to go after groups that do not focus on American targets, it should expect an upsurge of retaliatory terrorist attacks on the U.S.--both abroad and at home."
President Disrupter Ronald E. Powaski
Category: Worldview Published: January 2018
"Pres. Donald Trump . . . has been doing hs best to overthrow the system of international relations that has helped to spread democracy, avoid another Great Depression, and prevent a third world war."
Radical Islam in America Stephen Schwartz
Category: Worldview Published: November 2005
The media, prisons, the military, and academia are four key areas where the Saudi Government and its Wahhabi ideology have gained tremendous influence in the U.S.
Recoiling from the Great Reset Michael Rectenwald
Category: Worldview Published: March 2022
Big Digital is the communications, ideological & technological arm of an emerging corprate-socialist totalitarianism. Monopolistic corporations have a consolidated grip on the economy from above, while socialism advances for the rest of us from below.
Refusing to be Preempted George F. Will
Category: Worldview Published: July 2012
If we Americans cultivate our inner lives and our moral selves as industriously and productively as we cultivate the material world around us, then perhaps we of all peoples can long endure.
Religious Struggles Fan Confusion
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2011
Renewing the U.S.-Japan Relationship Christopher Sigur
Category: Worldview Published: January 2002
Fifty years after the San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed, there is a need for a recommitment by the two nations to work together to ensure the future security, economic prosperity, and political stability of the Asia Pacific region.
Rethinking the United Nations' Mission Clare Short
Category: Worldview Published: July 2001
"We must ensure that the links between the UN's pre- and post-conflict work, its peacekeeping activities, and its development programs are strengthened."
Rural Chinese Children Lag Behind Urban Kids
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2017
Scenarios for Japan's Uncertain Future
News View Category: Worldview Published: December 2002
Sculpting the Baroque World of Fernando Botero
News View Category: Worldview Published: August 2008
Securing the U.S. from Terror Trumps All Other Factors Jonathan W. Emord
Category: Worldview Published: January 2016
"We need to forbid immigration to the U.S. for any person who originally hails from a country in which terrorists recruit, conduct training, manufacture weapons, or perform tactical operations."
Seeking an End to the Kashmir Quagmire Rathnam Indurthy
Category: Worldview Published: July 2003
Can India and Pakistan be brought to the table to resolve the conflict that has been ongoing for more than half a century?
Self-Willed Delusion Edward J. Erler
Category: Worldview Published: January 2017
"…Sanctuary cities [are those] that refuse to cooperate with Federal authorities in detaining illegal-alien criminals. This is the most baffling policy that can be imagined, as it results in criminals deliberately being released into public…"
Shoot First, Talk Later: How the U.S. has Abandoned Diplomacy Craig R. Eisendrath , Melvin A. Goodman
Category: Worldview Published: July 2004
With the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S. had the opportunity to lead the world toward greater cooperation through diplomacy, int'l organization, and int'l law. Instead, the world is drifting toward military anarchy while democracy erodes at home.
Standing Up to the Mullahs Armin Arefi
Category: Worldview Published: November 2011
The author is a French-Iranian journalist who was working in Iran until, one day, the authorities confiscated his press pass, interrogated him at a secret police headquarters, and threatened to harm his family. He then fled to France.
Sticks "Trump" Carrots for North Korea Gerald E. Marsh
Category: Worldview Published: September 2017
"If the U.S. could make it clear to China that the consequence of inaction [concerning the curbing of North Korea] would be a nuclear-armed Japan, that might be an adedquate incentive."
Storm Clouds Gather Over Russia
News View Category: Worldview Published: August 2005
Straightening Out U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East Chuck Hagel
Category: Worldview Published: January 2006
"In this new era of possibilities and responsibilities, the U.S. will require a wider lens view of how the global community sees us, so that we can better understand the world and our role in it."
Strange Things in a Strange Land Frank Romano
Category: Worldview Published: March 2015
"I pummeled the heavy air as I wondered how Jewish extremists could ignore his Jewish side by considering him an Arab, even after he was able to show Zakaria Zubeidi a path other than violance."
Tax Competition Spurs Globalization Chris Edwards
Category: Worldview Published: March 2003
"As tax systems around the world become more efficient, economic output and incomes should rise."
The Corruption of Democracy in Venezuela Gustavo Coronel
Category: Worldview Published: March 2008
Under Pres. Hugo Chavez's regime the last nine years, corruption has reached heights undreamed of by even the greediest of despots, as the people of Venezuela have been fleeced out of billions of dollars.
The Dead Do Egypt Richard Loren
Category: Worldview Published: March 2015
"I noticed a large, wooden stage on the desert sands at the foot of the monuments…On that very stage I envisioned the Grateful Dead playign and singing their melodic odes to the ages…a sinuous fabric of sound connecting the ancient and modern worlds"
The European Union in Crisis Vaclav Klaus
Category: Worldview Published: November 2011
". . . With the way the American government has been going, the U.S. might be able to catch up with us--in terms of our problems--very soon, but your nation is not as far along yet."
The Future Prospects of U.S.-China Economic Relations Chu-Yuan Cheng
Category: Worldview Published: September 2002
"Free trade between China, the world's largest population, and the U.S., its greatest industrial economy, will undoubtedly benefit both nations."
The Learning Curve Daniel Riczo , Steve Riczo
Category: Worldview Published: March 2018
Are the lessons of the Cold War past lost on contemporary America?
The Precarious State of World Order Charles W. Kegley Jr. , Gregory A. Raymond
Category: Worldview Published: September 2020
At the same time the rapid and relentless spread of COVID-19 demonstrates that international collaboration is essential for fending off the virus, the economic carnage caused by the virus may erode support for maintaining the liberal int'l economic order.
The President Just Doesn't Get It Gerald E. Marsh
Category: Worldview Published: November 2014
Defeat of the Islamic State cannot be achieved solely by military means and Western military action such as air strikes--even if given the cover of a colation containing Arab nations.
The Remaking of Russia Harold E. Rogers Jr.
Category: Worldview Published: March 2009
"The U.S. tends to be critical of Russia and attempts to define its political practices as nondemocratic. Yet, America itself has been struggling for many years concerning the full meaning of democracy."
The Trumped Up Charges Never Cease Carolyn Fischer
Category: Worldview Published: July 2021
Instead of subsiding now that he no longer is president, Trump Derangement Syndrome, especially in regards to Russia, apparently will continue unabated.
The U.S.'s Befuddled Approach to the War on Terrorism John L. Scherer
Category: Worldview Published: November 2004
The Capitol was evacuated and an F-16 jet fighter was deployed to gun down a stray plane that had wandered into restricted air space over Washington, D.C. It turns out the aircraft was carrying the governor of Kentucky. By John L. Scherer
Three Days in North Korea James A. Nathan , Thomas De Luca
Category: Worldview Published: September 2006
Change can--and must--come to this rogue nation, but it will not be easy, as a trip to this bastion of Communist control proved.
Thucydides's Trap Raymond L. Fischer
Category: Worldview Published: July 2018
Is it inevitable that the U.S. and China will go to war, or can the two nations continue to exist in an uneasy peace?
Time for the U.S. to Man Up Robert J. Bresler
Category: Worldview Published: January 2020
"Placing 'America First' does not preclude the stark reality that U.S. interests cannot be separated from its global responsibilities."
To Arms Over LGBT? Chivvis Moore
Category: Worldview Published: January 2017
"It is time for our government to stop trying to whip up public support for our wars on Muslim countries by claiming we are 'bringing them democracy,' 'saving Muslin women,' or, now, 'defending gays and lesbians.' "
To the End--or at Least Top--of the Earth Tom Avery
Category: Worldview Published: July 2009
Global warming has transformed the Arctic ice peak and the early arrival of summer means that it's not possible to make the return journey to the Pole and back and in the next decade, thin ice will make it dangerous to journey from land to the North Pole.
True Islam Campaign Takes Flight Qasim Rashid
Category: Worldview Published: January 2016
"Now, more than ever, is our opportunity to stand together as brothers, human beings, Muslims, and Americans."
Trumping Obama on Cuba James A. Nathan
Category: Worldview Published: March 2017
"On the morrow of Casto's death, Trump tweeted: 'If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people, and the US as a whole, I will terminate the [Obama] deal."
Trust Is Possible Among Bitter Enemies
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2006
Turning the Tables on Iran C. Stolle Singleton
Category: Worldview Published: May 2011
"The U.S. role on the global stage and standing in the Middle East will be determined by its ability to confront Iran, as the Islamic Republic challenges the willpower of the U.S. and its allies, and the world inches closer to a tipping point in history."
U.S. at a Vital Turning Point with China
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2017
U.S. Troops Should Exit Iraq Rapidly
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2007
Unsustainability in Today's International Development Jeffrey Tyler Matuella , Robert Pillers
Category: Worldview Published: January 2011
World governments and NGOs should make the practice of freebie development--otherwise known as charity--more difficult by establishing specific and limited circumstances under which that type of aid is acceptable.
Washington's Unsavory Antidrug Partners Ted Galen Carpenter
Category: Worldview Published: November 2002
"The willingness of U.S. administrations to collaborate with the most-odious dictatorships in the war on drugs is long-standing and continuing."
What Could Have Been Newt Gingrich
Category: Worldview Published: November 2008
"The difference between the debate we ought to be having [concerning the War on Terror] and the one we are having is staggering. The gap between where we are and where we should be is so large that it seems almost impossible to explain. . . ."
What Does the Future Hold for the Bear and the Eagle? Harold E. Rogers Jr.
Category: Worldview Published: January 2008
"For a time after the [Boris] Yeltsin era, Russia appeared to be casting its lot with the West, but recently seems to have changed course, developing another sphere of influence."
What Is Kabbalah Really All About?
News View Category: Worldview Published: August 2006
What Is with Venezuela? Lori Zett
Category: Worldview Published: March 2008
"If it hadn't been Hugo Chavez, it would have been somebody else. Someone had to arrive who could disassemble so much hypocrisy, such malignancy, such perverse selfishness."
What Surprises Will the Rest of 2012 Bring? Noreena Hertz
Category: Worldview Published: March 2012
"In a complex and intertwined world such as ours, the unexpected is bound to happen. Just think back over the past year or so."
What Would Patton Say About the War in Iraq? Victor Davis Hanson
Category: Worldview Published: March 2005
Patton would advise that static occupation, negotiations w/ undefeated insurgents, & mild rebukes to neighboring terrorist sponsors not only are futile, but against the American character of decisive advance & unconditional surrender once war is upon us.
When Titans Collide David P. Goldman
Category: Worldview Published: July 2018
China, like Russia, responds to its past humiliation by challenging American power. It would be naïve to expect the Chinese or Russians to be our friends; the best we can hope for is peaceful competition and cooperation in matters of mutual concern."
Who Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and What Is He Really After? Ilan Berman
Category: Worldview Published: March 2007
"Iran's new president is plain-spoken in his radicalism, and open about his intentions. Policymakers in Washington would do well to take him at his word."
Why Sanctions May Not Work
News View Category: Worldview Published: April 2014
Why We Need the Oceans--and Why They Need Us David Rockefeller Jr.
Category: Worldview Published: May 2010
The voyage "Around the Americas" hopes to draw attention to the revitalization of the world's waterways.