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Search keyword(s): ' 200809'
Accommodating the Killer Richard E. Vatz
Category: Law & Justice Published: September 2008
"When defense mental health 'experts' testify to a lack of a defendant's criminal intent, these 'hired guns' are aiming to have the perpetrator confined to a psychiatric institution rather than a jail."
Big Burdens from Growth Management Randal O'Toole
Category: Economics Published: September 2008
". . . Efforts to control sprawl have led to . . . unaffordable housing, higher land costs for business and industry, housing bubbles and busts, and increasing barriers to homeownership for low- and moderate-income families."
Bringing Oceans to a Boil David Festa
Category: Ecology Published: September 2008
"Ocean surface temperatures worldwide have risen on average 0.9 degrees F and ocean waters in many tropical regions have risen by almost 2 degrees over the past century. This is 30 times the amount of heat that has been added to the atmosphere."
Consequences of Globalization James W. Thomson
Category: USA Looks at the World Published: September 2008
For the emerging stay-at-home movement, globalization has become a pejorative term symbolizing the flawed excess of American capitalism.
Diorama Diversity
Category: Museums Today Published: September 2008
"[The American Museum of Natural History] remains, above all, a visual feast, in no small part due to the vivid, lifelike murals that serve as backdrops to so many of the animal dioramas found throughout the great edifice's many exhibition halls."
Foolishly Seeking Gender Equity in Math and Sciences Christina Hoff Sommers
Category: Science & Technology Published: September 2008
The business community and citizens are completely in the dark. This is a quiet revolution. Its weapons are govt reports that rarely are seen; amendments to bills that almost no one reads; small, unnoticed changes in regulations regarding grants. . . .
Making Headway in Basra Gordon Brown
Category: The World Today Published: September 2008
The United Kingdom's Prime Minister likes the progress he sees in Iraq, as the British and Americans continue to cede control of the country to the native population.
Memo to the Candidates Chuck Hagel
Category: National Affairs Published: September 2008
"John McCain and Barack Obama are meeting at a time of historic confluence. They forever will be linked together. The next two months will define how they are remembered."
Raw Nerve! The Political Art of Steve Brodner
Category: Focus on Politics Published: September 2008
"[These] drawings . . . reflect his unique blend of wit and acerbic, laser-like vision of American society, politics, and contemporary leaders.
Rituals in Relationships Dolores T. Puterbaugh
Category: Life in America Published: September 2008
"Rituals, including the rites of organized religion, are critical parts of life. They provide context, meaning, rhythm, and connection."
Roosevelt's or Reagan's America? A Time for Choosing John Marini
Category: American Thought Published: September 2008
[FDR] assumed that a fundamental tension exists between equality and liberty that only can be resolved by a powerful, even unlimited, administrative or welfare state. The American Founders thought that equality and liberty were perfectly compatible. . . .
The Crippling Legacy of the 1936 Election Amity Shlaes
Category: USA Yesterday Published: September 2008
"[What] about the voter who was not included in preferred interest groups . . . the forgotten voter for whom there is 'no provision in the great scramble' for Federal largesse? Our elections are not good elections until they welcome back that voter, too."
The Politics of Political Films Wes D. Gehring
Category: Mass Media Published: September 2008
As Mark Twain once observed, "It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
Women Remain Oppressed Anthony Layng
Category: Religion Published: September 2008
"Most of us readily condemn the treatment of women in fundamentalist Muslim countries, but fail to recognize that further erosion of democracy and women's rights could happen here if the growing influence of religious fundamentalism remains unchallenged."