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"The Magazine of the American Scene"
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Search keyword(s): ' Literary Scene'
A Letter from Lisbon Joseph Rotenberg
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2018
"Soon all such communications from relatives in Europe ceased. The Germans had turned from military conquest to genocide."
A President's Past Sam Rawlins
Category: Literary Scene Published: November 2019
As a young man, Abraham Lincoln spent six pivotal years in the frontier village of New Salem, Ill. The memories of that time profoundly changed him and influenced the rest of his life.
A Soiled Existence in the Soviet Union Jennifer Ciotta
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2012
Going to school was like going from grey to grey, concrete to concrete, boring to boring. Our life was waiting in line for bread and toilet paper. I had never experienced biting into a fresh vegetable because our stores were vacant most of the time.
A Tale of Trauma Susan Mattern
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2018
"It especially was hard to believe our experience: a mountain lion had leapt out and grabbed our daughter by the head. Every time I talked about it, I felt like I was reciting some story from a book."
Addicted to the Needle . . . on the Scale Iris Ruth Pastor
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2018
"[Eating disorder] had found a home and he would reside with me for many years--the one constant in a life of flux. He was a satisfied tenant. I was a very accommodating landlord."
As Only Love Can Michael S. Tobin
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2022
In a race against the ravages of Deborah's Alzheimer's disease, the author wrote a book to celebrate the extraordinary days of their courtship--and the transformational six-month bike trek that made them a couple for life.
Bushwacked! Marshall Woody
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2010
A (somewhat) true story of the Missouri-Kanasas Border War.
Can the Novel Be Saved? Lisa Alther
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2001
There are promising signs that, despite forecasts of doom, books still have a place in our minds and hearts.
Cancel Culture at Work Alec Klein
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2021
". . . The facts of the immediate past intrude on my soporific stupor: the attacks, the shock, the disgrace, the abandonment, the anguish, the loss, the spiral into nothingness."
Chariots of Compassion James Hilt
Category: Literary Scene Published: November 2020
"The late Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship said it was the best artistic expression of the Christian faith in the 20th century. He was referring to the 1981 movie 'Chariots of Fire'. . ."
Corruption Set in Concrete David-Michael Harding
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2017
"Congress argued the validity of lies…and its approval ratings hit historic lows, in contrast to indictments and ethics investigations that soared to new highs. Still, nothing changed, as the fox continued to guard the hen house…"
Escaping Iran to Save Israel Jonathan Bloomfield
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2014
". . . Innocent Iranians were going to die because their government decided to build nuclear reactors next to them. It was either their death or another Jewish Holocaust."
Getting into the Head of a Serial Killer R. Weir
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2018
The definitions vary--anywhere from two to four murders, with significant time in between each murder, the murders taking place over more than a month. This is different from mass murderers or spree killers.
Give First, Take Later Nancy K. Napier , Dau Thuy Ha
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2022
Those born in the northern part of the country during the Vietnam War lived through desperate poverty and hunger from the conflict's end in 1975 to the early 1990s, but now are amont that nation's leaders in business, education, and government.
God's Double Agent in China Bob Fu
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2014
"After our experience of prison and house arrest, death was not the worst option, but now Heidi and I had reason to fight for life--she was pregnant."
Horror Only a Soldier Can Know Jack Estes
Category: Literary Scene Published: September 2016
"You'll be on the line someday, crossing an empty chunk of desert, assaulting a bombed-out village, and your best buddy will get shot in the throat. You won't have time to stop and cry. You'll be firing back, thanking God it isn't your butt laying there…"
How Hitler Reached the Final Solution David Williamson
Category: Literary Scene Published: September 2004
"The Nazis were fantasizing--basically planning to redesign the demographic map of Eastern Europe by moving all sorts of populations from here to there and eliminating those they thought superfluous. . . ."
Isolated, Excluded, Ignored Patricia Komar
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2018
There are stages victims go through as they're being [job]mobbed. First there's suspicion; next comes hurt; and then the victims become so distraught they seek counseling for depression. They socially withdraw and suffer panic attacks.
It Always Comes Back to China--and America Alexander Scipio
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2012
From the Middle Ages to today, Arabs have been unable to fight the superior forces, weaponry & discipline of the West. The countries of the East, on the other hand, have proven masterful at importing whatever technology is required to defeat any opponent.
Just Try Stealing First Base Cynthia Drew , Joan Golden
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2012
Games can be taken away by bad plays, bad breaks, and bad calls. Losing is going to happen, but being better doesn't just mean being a better baseball player.
Love Activism Stacy Russo
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2019
"One of my least-favorite expressions is 'killing time.' Life is too shrot to think of time in this way. There always is an opportunity to be full ypresent and realize the divine gift time is at any moment."
Marginalizing the Middle Class Raymond L. Fischer
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2007
Cable TV heavyweight Lou Dobbs lambasts big government and big business for stripping hardworking Americans of their money and dignity.
Memories of Tiananmen Square 30 Years Later Anna Wang
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2019
"…Anarchy became its own brand of order…One after another, battalions sent to crack down on the populace were forced to retreat…Before long, the people of Beijing had grown used to a bizarre life under half-martial law."
Mission Accomplished? Raychelle Meyers
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2015
"The pace of modern life means that the view from our window often is a blur, and this means that we easily can miss imporant stops - ones that would enhance and enrich our existence."
No Man Left Behind Larry A. Freeland
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2022
". . . Our crewmen . . . run over to the downed Huey. They recover the charred bodies of Scott and his crew. . . . It is a very quiet trip flying back with our fallen comrades lying prone on the floor with their bodies sealed in heavy plastic bags."
So Clever Gordon Hutchison
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2022
Reality (can be OK, but mostly it) Bites highlights original aphorisms and other philosophical fragments with teeth.
Staying Strong in Trying Times Ann Marie Hancock
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2020
"When God is with you, no one can stand against you."
Suicide or Murder? I. Kaufman Arenberg
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2019
It is time "to exonerate [Vincent] van Gogh from the stigma--going against his person, his beliefs, and his religion--that he committed suicide."
The "Haight" of the Counterculture Movement
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2015
"[Photographer Jim Marshall] helped immortalize artists such as the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and the Jefferson Airplane before they became household names."
The (White House) Doctor Is In Connie Mariano
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2011
For eight years, I lived and worked in the kill zone as part of my everyday job. During this time, there were numerous threats on the life of Pres. Bill Clinton.
The 19th Hijacker James Reston Jr.
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2021
"Short is the employment of this world. The Hereafter is far better for him who fears Allah."
The Beckoning of a Beatle Land Book Wes D. Gehring
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2021
The Beatles could have done a cinema variation on the Marx brothers. The twist is that the Marxes acted surreal in a sane world, while the Beatles attempted to maintain sanity in a world gone mad.
The Favor Marshall Woody
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2009
"I will be buried with my husband," she said, throwing me completely off. "I can't stand the thought of our daugher being buried with us."
The Goergia Peach, in Many Ways, Was Just That Charles Leerhsen
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2016
"In [Ty] Cobb's case, [false] repetition not only has destroyed a man's reputation, it has obliterated a real story that is more interesting than the myth."
The Grave Is a Gateway Charles W. Kegley , Debra J. Kegley
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2017
"Our fall into the depth had lifted us to new heights, in much the same way that, ironically, knowledge that we will die makes us treasure life. Our unlikely surprise gift almost made us wonder if a stroke bringing us down was a small price to pay…"
The Screwtape Letters: Sophistications and Self-Absorption Dolores T. Puterbaugh
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2011
In a world in which simple has becoome synonymous with either ascetism or stupidity, is if preferable to be sophisticated or simple?
The Truth About Sammy Marshall Woody
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2008
"Her kind features . . . bore death absurdly in the [flashlight's] beam. One hand protruded from the piling snow, with the wrist turned toward the head as though she were about to flip a stray hair from her eye."
The Unthinkable Becomes Real Marie White
Category: Literary Scene Published: March 2018
"Some days I am numb, just making it through the day. Other days I am full of hope, waiting with baited breath for an email, call, or doorbell that says our child is coming home."
The Warmth from Within Stephanie Selby
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2019
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
This Is No Way to Start a Vacation Linda Davies
Category: Literary Scene Published: January 2015
"Gesticulating with their Kalashnikovs, they yell at us: 'Why are you here? Who are you? What to you want?' We try to explain: 'We are tourists. We are sailing a boat. We are on holiday." It is obvious they do not believe us."
Trying to Groove with the Guru Susan Shumsky
Category: Literary Scene Published: July 2018
"Maharishi . . . stopped and looked me up, down, and back up again. His face became stern. He looked through me, not at me--as though he were scanning hidden corners of my mind."
War-Torn Poland as Past Tense Fran Hawthorne
Category: Literary Scene Published: May 2019
"If Rose realized that her grandson Adam was named in memory of her murdered-in-the-Holocaust older brother Avram, or possibly was even a little pleased by the honor, she sure never mentioned it."
What's Life Without Music?
Category: Literary Scene Published: November 2017
The stories span across decades of experiences, mirroring our lives with music--how we come to experience music for the first time, how we grow with music, how music helps us to understand the world around us, the many ways music can help us heal. . .
Yuletide Jewish Elvis? Alex Bernstein
Category: Literary Scene Published: November 2021
"Christmas Eve--a packed auditorium. Every Jewish person in town is here because it's social--a good event, a good charity, and what else do these people have to do tonight?"